How to test for lactose intolerance In lab & home

You’ll blow forcefully into a mouthpiece that is connected to a collection tube via a bag. Every 30 minutes, you’ll have to fill the five tubes with your breath. Then you send them to our specialised laboratory that analyses your breath samples.

lactose breath test at home

Drinking different types of sugar can help diagnose different conditions. For example, a test with lactose can detect lactose intolerance, and a test with fructose can detect fructose malabsorption. The sugar solutions doctors use in hydrogen breath tests can sometimes trigger symptoms. This home breath kit measures gases that can indicate the presence of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth .

further reading

Below are answers to some frequently asked questions about hydrogen breath tests. Doctors may need to combine hydrogen breath tests with other tests to make a firm diagnosis. If bacterial overgrowth occurs in this part of the small intestine, the test will detect hydrogen or methane gases.

lactose breath test at home

Neither the hydrogen nor methane but rather the formation of carbon dioxide and fats are what cause symptoms. In contrast, in the small intestine the gas is transported through the intestinal wall, passes to the blood and is expelled through the lungs. This procedure is extremely uncomfortable and can also cause bad breath. The fatty acids carry water into the intestine, which causes a dilution of the stool and leads to diarrhoea. Bowel sounds are caused by the increase in intestinal movement.

Lactose/Lactulose Breath Test

Some lactose tolerance tests can be performed at home, while others need to be done in a clinical setting. However, many people have very little lactase in their intestines, and we all produce less lactase the older we get. For these people, lactose reaches the large intestine without being broken down. There, bacteria consume the lactose and in the process produce carbon dioxide, hydrogen and methane gases as well as certain fatty acids.

Abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, gas, and nausea are possible symptoms. The hydrogen breath test is used as a diagnostic tool for identifying people who are unable to process lactose . Because lactose is present in all milk products, including cheese, yogurt, and ice cream, if you cannot digest lactose you will not be able to complete a hydrogen breath test. However, this test cannot identify individuals who may be allergic to milk proteins or else they would have problems processing other carbohydrates as well. Usually, very little hydrogen is present in a person’s breath. However, when bacteria in the small or large intestine ferment undigested sugars, the process produces several gases — including hydrogen.

Uses of hydrogen breath tests

If symptoms return, it may be possible to identify the food or foods that are causing them. Foods that have been processed or packaged may include more lactose. An elimination diet’s safety can be managed by a healthcare expert, such as a dietitian, especially for those who take prescription drugs and dietary or herbal supplements.

lactose breath test at home

You may also be asked to record your digestive symptoms resulting from the test sugar — any abdominal pain, bloating, farting, etc. The hydrogen breath test is a simple and noninvasive way to diagnose common gastrointestinal conditions, including lactose intolerance and SIBO . It does take some advance preparation to make sure results are accurate. The breath test evaluates your digestion of particular sugars by measuring the gas you exhale, usually hydrogen and methane. Find out the concentration of hydrogen and methane in your breath before and after drinking a lactose solution.

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth

It is frequently advised to take calcium supplements, such as calcium carbonate. Make sure to consume enough vitamin D, which is often found in milk. Vitamin D is also included in yogurt, eggs, liver, and other foods. The human body also produces vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. This test is rarely used for the diagnosis of lactose intolerance. The small biopsy test is carried out to check if the symptoms are being caused by any other condition, such as coeliac disease.

lactose breath test at home

As you can take our lactose intolerance test at home, waiting times in a practice or clinic are not necessary. The lab analysis is then carried out in a certified specialist laboratory. Of course, a glass of milk has a lot of lactose, as do some dairy products such as cream and cream cheese.

Lactose hydrogen breath test

Amy Terhune is a woman with many years of experience in the medical field. She has worked as a nurse for many years, and currently works as an instructor at a nursing school. Amy enjoys teaching new things, and helps people to understand their bodies better.

In more severe cases, lactose intolerance can lead to malnutrition and iron deficiency anemia. The hydrogen breath test measures how much hydrogen gas is in your breath. Normally, very little hydrogen gas is found in the air we exhale, but if your body has difficulty breaking down lactose, those levels will rise.


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