Consulate Health Care of St Petersburg Seminole Post Acute Care
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This data includes nursing subcategories of Registered Nurse, Licensed Practical Nurse, and non-nursing Certified Nursing Assistants. More hours spend per patient should can indicate a better facility or it could indicate more complicated situations. According to our analysis, Consulate Health Care of St Petersburg is ranked #79 out of 100 skilled nursing homes within a 25 mile radius. See detailed information from recent inspection reports, nursing hours analysis, surverys, and information on owners and operators.
You cant find anyone thats actually working on the weekends. If you want to check out this place do it on the weekend so you see what its really like. Also cleanlyness is not important to them either. Should be able to provide special diet accommodations upon request. While 24-hour awake staff is not required by state licensing, certain Memory Care facilities may have caregivers awake at night to accommodate your Loved One. 4 stars compared to the FL average of 3.65 and a National average of 3.12.
Nearby Skilled Nursing Facilities
2 stars compared to the FL average of 3.69 and a National average of 3.14. 1 stars compared to the FL average of 2.73 and a National average of 2.77. 1 stars compared to the FL average of 3.48 and a National average of 3.32. Star ratings are often best used for basic comparisons and when deciding which facilities to visit.
The top 10 percent of nursing homes are awarded a 5-star rating; the bottom 20 percent are awarded a 1-star rating. In between 1-star and 5-star, the remaining homes are divided equally into three tranches which correspond with the stars 2 to 4. The staff ratings and quality measure ratings follow a similar process but the divisions are based on a national ranking. The division between star ratings is called the “cut-rate”. Cut-rates are redefined periodically and are published by CMS.
Other Senior Care in Seminole, FL
Total Licensed Nursing Hours (Registered Nurses + Licensed Practical Nurses + Licensed Vocational Nurses) averages 1.26 hours per day per resident (the national average is 1.4 hours). Consulate Health Care of St Petersburg is a senior living provider in Seminole, Florida that offers residents Nursing Homes. How does Consulate Health Care of St Petersburg compare to other skilled nursing facilities?
Consulate Health Care of St. Petersburg in Seminole, FL, has an overall rating of Below Average. It is a medium facility with 120 beds and has for-profit, corporate ownership. Consulate Health Care of St. Petersburg is not part of a continuing care retirement community. It participates in Medicare and Medicaid. Consulate Health Care Of St Petersburg is a large care community. It is located on 9393 Park Blvd in Seminole, Florida and can provide Memory Care care for up to 120 residents in the community.
Lexington Health and Rehabilitation Center
Nursing homes provides non-acute medical and skilled nursing care services, therapy and social services under the supervision of a licensed registered nurse on a 24-hour basis. Consulate Health Care Of St Petersburg received an overall rating from CMS of 1 stars compared to the FL average of 3.48 and a National average of 3.32. Ratings from residents, family members, and visitors to our site are available below.
They don't properly care for her and they don't care. This place is a dump which is so sad to say. The grounds of the facility make the facility look like it’s been out of order for years.
Highland Pines Nursing Manor
The average number of beds per nursing home inPinellas Countyis 111. Additionally, the 96 residents at Consulate Health Care of St Petersburg are fewer than than the average state nursing homes population of 106, and is less full at 80% than the 88% occupied average Florida nursing home. At the county level, Pinellas Countyaverages 97 residents per nursing home, for an average 87% occupation rate. The nursing home health inspection process examines all important aspects of a person’s care in a nursing home. Health inspectors judge every nursing home facility on over 180 different criteria.
It is worth mentioning that Medicare pays for what they deem as 'medically necessary' skilled nursing care. They have 120 beds and a daily average of 97.6 residents . Consulate Health Care Of St Petersburg participates in Medicare and Medicaid and are classified as a For profit - Corporation ownership. They do not belong to a continuing care community.
Ramona, the company director, was extremely unprofessional and appeared to be disconnected in assisting our family. She is one of the main reasons we removed my aunt from this facility. I called to speak with Ramona regarding an issue with an aide whom I heard speak horribly to my aunt. Ramona seemed just as concerned to point out how difficult my aunt was all while discussing the issue with this aide. I was told our call was not therapeutic and would be disconnected when I explained my frustrations to Ramona. She stated this two times and then disconnected our call.
This number fluctuates with each new resident. Skilled nurses, therapists and licensed care professionals are available to guide you through your personalized therapy. Whether you’re recovering after a hospital visit or in need of on-going medical support, Consulate Health Care of St Petersburg will help you achieve your personal goals. Consulate Health Care Of St Petersburg is a nursing homes facility located in Seminole, FL.
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